
Whiter Shade of Pale - SG
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Fandom: Ess Gee Wun
Title: Whiter Shade of Pale
Author: Ky (Venom_69)
Category: Smut
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Rating: PG
Archive: Anywhere!
Disclaimer: Don’t own them, never will. Promise to put them back in the state I found them.
Author’s notes: Why, yes, I *did* steal the title from a song. But I freely admit that it’s not mine, so I think that make it ok. Yes? No? Sue me. You can have me debts, my life and my teddy. Cause I ain’t got no dosh!
Date: 13/06/2005
Copyright © to Venom, 2005

And though my eyes are open
They might just as well be closed


“Go away.”


“Go *away.*”

“Not gonna happen.”

Snuggling further into the warmth of the duvet, Sam groaned. No one should legally be allowed to be that cheerful this early on a Saturday morning. “Don’t you have a snooze button?”

“Nope.” Did he have to sound so smug about it?

“Can I turn you off at the PowerPoint?”

“I seriously doubt that you could ever turn me off, Carter.”

She pulled the duvet back and stared at his grinning face. That has to be *the* dumbest thing that she had ever heard in her life. Ever. With one hand under her head to support herself, she eyed him strangely. “That’s insane.”

“Of course it is. But it got you up, didn’t it?”


“Yep. But you love me for it.”

Well, she couldn’t argue with that. “OK. You’ve won, I’m up.” She yawned. “Why am I up?”

“Because we have things to do today.”

“More important than sleep?”

“Oh yeah.”

She eyed him again. “Did you wake me for sex?”

“No!” If she didn’t know him quite as well as she did, then Sam would be a little concerned that he was hurt by that. “But, hey, if you’re offering…”

“You woke me up, Jack. Be thankful if you ever get laid again. Ever.”

“Ah, she says that now…”

Sam knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that the next time she jumped him – which, really, wouldn’t be all that far into the future – he was going to be smug as hell about it. Damnit.

“So, what did you wake me for then?”


What the…? “Cleaning?”

“Yup. It’s Saturday.”

“This I know.”

“It’s cleaning day Carter, up and at ‘em!”

“You woke me up to spend the day *cleaning*?” He was such a freak.

“Yes, I did. I need to wash the sheets.”



“It’s Saturday!”

“Haven’t we already covered this?”

“We have, I’m just making sure that you understand. It’s my day off. I want to sleep.” Or have sex, but if she said that then he would be smug all day.

“Too bad.”

“Ja-ack!” She was not whining, she was *not* whining…

She was totally whining.

“Hey, you’re the one that wanted to move in with me!”

“You’re the one that got me pregnant!”

“Don’t pretend you don’t love it.”

She buried herself back under the duvet. “Prick!”

