Title: Rescue Me Author: Ky Category: Fluff. Pairing: Sam/Jack Rating: Anyone can read it. Spoilers: Jack
is a General… Archive: SJ, Heliopolis, my site. Anywhere else, sure, just let me know where so I can come visit. Disclaimer:
Don’t own them, never will. Promise to put them back in the state I found them. Song isn’t mine either. Author’s
notes: For Jem, cause she asked. :) It's short! Date: 25/03/05 Copyright © to Venom, 2005
Too many
people were trying to talk to Jack at the same time and he just wanted to kill them all. Slowly. With a butter knife, duct
tape and some gum.
“General, if I could just have a word…”
“How would you feel if we…”
really need more of…”
“Can you sign this please….”
“We need your opinion
“Can we…”
“What do you think of…”
He was so gonna
MacGuyver their asses.
His job sucked. Big Time. ‘You’ll love being the base Commander, Jack’ Hammond
had told him, lying through his teeth. ‘It really is a fulfilling job.’ Pffffft.
There was nothing fulfilling
about three hours sleep a night. Nothing fulfilling about being responsible for every damn thing in the place. Nothing fulfilling
about being up to his ass in paperwork constantly.
And he actually had to do it now, not just make up "Sorry sir,
was busy saving the world" type excuses. At least before he could get Carter to do it for him.
his brain whispered.
But as strong as his sense of mental-self-preservation was, his sense of responsibility was even
greater. Damnit.
Ah! Salvation in the form of a 5”5’ blonde. “Carter!”
I talk to you for a moment please?”
Jack knew there was a reason he loved her. “Sure.” He turned
his attention to the throng of headaches surrounding him. “Sorry guys, talk to Walter, he’ll pencil you in for
a meeting!”
Hammond never seemed to have so many people after him. Hmph.
She followed him back into the
safety of his office and Jack waiting until he heard the click of the door shutting before he spoke. “So, do you actually
need to talk to me or are you just here to play my knight in shining armor?”
“Well, while you *did* have
the damsel in distress thing going for you, I wanted to ask you something.”
Uh oh. “Yes?”
would you feel about purple sheets?”
“I’m thinking silk…”
was she smoking? “Silk?”
“Maybe a lace valance to match…”
Where could he get some?
“A what?”
“Fluffy pillows…”
Jack was pretty sure he would rather be facing his
mob of employees as opposed to this. “Sam?”
“Maybe some decorative little cushions…?”
not funny.”
She was fighting the urge to smile. He could tell. “I am, actually.”
right now you’re not.”
“Says you.”
“You saved my ass just to tease me?”
Huffing, Jack pulled her to him, bending down to crush his lips to hers, glass windows in his office be
damned. One hand came to cradle her head at the right angle, while the other snaked around her waist so that his fingers could
slip under her black T-shirt and tease the creamy flesh while his tongue tasted her.
The kiss was short, designed to
tease her and make her pant, which it did.
“Let’s talk more about this silk idea of yours…”
ya it was short. :-p