Title: Wrong
Author: Ky (venom69)
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Age Friendly
Summary: For a brief moment, she hated him with a passion.
Character/Pairing: Janeway/Chakotay,
Spoilers: None… the show’s ended!
Warnings: language.
Prompt Number for
fic101: 22 - Think
Author’s Notes: Song belongs to Beyonce. Angry!Kathy fic for
bowersbabe who made a comment about Tom that spurred this... :)
Disclaimer: Usual guff. Not mine, promise to put them
back where I found them.
Date: 11/01/07
You must not know about me
I can have another you by
So don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable
For a brief moment, she
hated him with a passion.
The emotion was so strong, so overwhelming and all-encompassing that Kathryn was suddenly
grateful for the decks that separated her from the armoury.
Right now, at this very moment, she would kill him if
she could. Kill him where he sat in his chair on the Bridge, watching officers be damned.
Her fingers clenched into
angry fists, her short nails dug into the tender skin of her palms and the burn was a welcome distraction.
Never mind that she’s been in love with him for over half a decade. She hasn’t come right out and said
it, but she’s done her damnedest to show him with her actions and looks. That used to be enough.
Her eyes used
to find his on the bridge.
’I love you,’ they would read.
’I know,’ his would smile
in return.
Never mind that she
thought that they had an unspoken agreement between them. An agreement that they
had made long ago, on a planet that was now a lifetime away.
They had made the agreement that when they returned to
Earth, she would be his. He would be hers. It wasn’t like they weren’t close to their goal now. Certainly closer
that they were after New Earth.
Why are you surprised? A traitorous little voice inside of her head asks.
didn’t wait a month before he was with Riley.It doesn't matter.
Kathryn can over look all of those
But Seven?
Seven. She snorts into her coffee cup.
Seven is a child! And half his age!It
wrong on so many levels.
Oh yes, she could certainly kill him right about now.
Not just for shacking
up with the woman that Kathryn had come to think of as a daughter, but more for the fact that he hadn’t even had the
balls to come and tell her himself.
He’d been hiding it. Hiding their dates, their time together, their
to her sources – namely, a gullible Talaxian that didn’t know when to keep his mouth shut – they’d
been seeing each other for almost a month now.
A whole month and he couldn’t find a spare ten minutes to sit
down with her for a coffee and tell her.
She would have understood then. She would have been much more receptive to
Stop lying to yourself Kathy! That annoying little voice continued.
It would have broken your heart.
It IS breaking your heart!She swiped at the angry tears that had fallen without her permission.
What did
think she would do when she found out?
Did he think she’d be happy for him? Wish him well?
middle-aged man lusting after a twenty-something blonde in a skin-tight cat suit. What a surprise.
Ahh, she hadn’t
thought about that. Another blonde.
Kathryn could say one thing for her First Officer; he was certainly predictable.
that’s OK, She told herself.
let him have yet another blonde. Seven will get bored eventually, or she will decide
that their relationship is ‘inefficient’ or ‘irrelevant.’ Let him see how he likes having a drone
in his bed.She was a little surprised that all of her anger was directed at Chakotay. She didn’t blame Seven,
the poor woman was new at this; how was she to know that she’d chosen a mate that was thinking with his balls and not
his brains?
Kathryn wondered, for a moment, if this was her fault. Clearly she didn’t teach Seven well enough
to know the difference between love and lust. But then she thinks,
Not my problem now. She has a new teacher.When
Chakotay does finally get around to actually keeping one of their dates, Kathryn takes a large amount of pleasure from seeing
his surprised look when she answers the door and tells him that she’s on her way out to meet Tom at Sandrine’s.
“I’m sorry, Chakotay,” She says, with just the right amount of regret. “I completely forgot
about our dinner.”
He nods slowly. “Our weekly dinner.”
“Yes, well, you’ve cancelled
a lot lately, surely I’m entitled to do the same?”
She brushes past him without a backwards glance. When
she mutters “Ass” under her breath, part of her hopes that he hears it.
Let him think about
she smiles to herself.