
Water Works - SG
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Age Friendly!

Title: Water Works.
Author: Ky (Venom_69)
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Rating: Age Friendly.
Disclaimer: Don’t own them, never will. Promise to put them back in the state I found them.
Author’s notes: *giggle* For Mel.
Date: 27/03/05
Copyright © to Venom, 2005


He was drenched.

Walking silently through the hallway, he purposefully ignored the soggy footprints that trailed in his wake with droplets from various body parts surrounding them, soaking into the beige carpet and leaving dark patches.

He was so dead.

Carter – he really should stop calling her that now that she was married – was sleeping. She’d been sleeping when he arrived, and he’d been desperately trying to keep the noise down as he fought the war in her bathroom.

It didn’t appear to have worked, however.

Hair mussed, wrinkled clothes and lethargic hands rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Carter was standing at the doorway to her bedroom. Jack stopped, deciding that for his own personal safety, standing more than ten feet from her was a really good idea.

When the hands appeared to have removed all traces of gunk, she glared at him. “You woke me up.”

He hadn’t meant to. “I didn’t mean to!”

“Well, you did. And you’re wet!”

If she didn’t look so eager to kick his ass, that could have been a very kinky statement. “I know. It was an accident.”

“What the hell were you doing? Look at the carpet!”

He would really rather not. “I was changing the washer in your shower.”

“So you decided to take one and test it out? Fully clothed?”

“Well… no.” he wasn’t that stupid. “It kind of… ah, exploded.”

“What do you mean exploded?”

Oh yeah, totally gonna kick his ass. “The shower and I had a disagreement.” That was the understatement of the century. “And the shower won.”

She snorted. Very unladylike, very sexy. “And my carpet was an innocent bystander?”

“Casualty of war.” She was never gonna buy that.

“I don’t buy that at all.”

“I called a plumber though!” He had to score some brownie points with that, surely? It was like stopping and asking for directions when you’d been driving around in circles for three hours; men just didn’t do it.

“After it exploded and you trudged water through my house?”

It wasn’t technically just *her* house anymore, but he didn’t think it would be wise to point that out right now. “Well, yes. But at least I called one!”

Eye roll. “I need coffee.”

“Ah… that might be a bit of a problem.”

“Why is that?”

“I had to turn your water off.”

“No water?”

“No. But at least your bathroom isn’t as flooded as it was.”

“My bathroom is flooded!” Wow, she sure could screech when she wanted to.

“Well, yes. But the important thing is that a plumber will be here within the next few hours and it will all be sorted.”

“I can’t have coffee for a few *hours* because you wouldn’t call a plumber in the first place?” That about summed it up. He nodded. “Jack O’Neill you are such a man! I’m gonna kick your ass from here to the Prometheus!”

Given that Earth’s most advanced ship was currently in another Galaxy, that sounded very painful. “I’m sorry?”

“You’d better be!”

He was. “I am!”

“Well, if I can’t have coffee, you could at least feed me.”

Scurrying – in a manly kind of way – to the kitchen, he grabbed every take away menu attached to their fridge. Handing them to her, he bolted back to his original position, the darkest of the footprints telling him exactly where it was safe to stand.

Carter - *really* had to stop calling her that, but he just could bring himself to call her “O’Neill” – growled as she flipped through the various menus. "Why does nowhere around here do 5 cheese pizzas?"

Awaken the pregnant woman and pay the price, Jack thought, unable to keep the lovesick smile from his face.

