
Like This - CSI
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Age Friendly!

Title: Like This.
Author: Ky (Venom_69)
Pairing: Gil/Cath
Rating: Age Friendly
Archive: My Site, GraveshiftCSI
Disclaimer: Don’t own them, never will. Promise to put them back in the state I found them.
Author’s notes: Jo asks and she shall receive.
Date: 17/04/05
Copyright © to Venom, 2005


You like him like this.

Not focused on a case, no dead bodies, no crime or hate. No bugs. Not sprouting quotes from Shakespeare at you, even though he knows how much you detested studying Othello in High School.

He isn’t reading, head buried in a factual book full of information that will, no doubt, be useful in a case at some point. There’s nothing distracting him from his task. He is focused, but not to the point of not noticing the world around him.

He smiles at you, looking up every now and then to catch your eye as you sit on the cement, face cradled in your palm as you watches him with – you’re sure – a dopey smile of love on your face.

It’s so simple, you muse, wondering why it took you so long to get to this point.

“You ok?” He asks, stopping to stand at your feet.

“I like you like this.”

He blinks rapidly, not quite sure how to take the comment. “Ok.”

“I do.”

He nods, returning to his task, confused, but smiling. He’s probably questioning your sanity. You don’t mind.

Lindsey is inside, InTheSink blaring from her stereo. She’s meant to be dusting, but you can forgive her for indulging in Justin!Love while you indulge in your own, more adult, kind.

You hear the amusement in his voice despite the fact that he doesn’t look up from his task as he speaks. “Are you planning to sit there all day, or are you going to do something productive?”

“I am doing something productive.” You protest half-heartedly.

“Such as?”

“Watching you.”

“Cath, watching me mow the lawn is hardly productive.”

“It is if you’re me.”

He laughs, shaking his head.

You finger the ring you wear carefully, eyes alight as you continue to watch him. A matching ring lights his finger, the only jewelry that he wears.

He is yours. You are his. Lindsey is ‘ours.’

You really like him like this.


Short, sweet and pointless. :)
