
Great Expectations
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Title: Great Expectations
Author: Ky (venom69)
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Rating: ADULT
Summary: She doesn't expect to be perfect.
Character/Pairing: Janeway/Chakotay
Spoilers: None… the show’s ended!
Warnings: None, really.
Prompt Number for fic101: 18 – Writer’s Choice
Author’s Notes: Song belongs to Billy Joel. Sometimes I get annoyed by the fics out there... this is my response.
Disclaimer: Usual guff. Not mine, promise to put them back where I found them.
Date: 07/01/07


Some love is just a lie of the mind
It's make believe until it's only a matter of time
And some might have learned to adjust
But then it never was a matter of trust


She doesn't expect to be perfect.

At the end of the day, they are still human.

Sooner or later, her stomach is going to rumble when he's in the middle of going down on her and sooner her later he is going to fart in bed... preferably when she's not going down on him, though.

He is a big man and she is a small woman, so right from the start, she knew that there could be some... issues, if they ever decided that they were going to get naked together.

When they do make that decision - no crisis, no overwhelming urges, no near-death experiences, just the knowledge that it is time - Kathryn tells him that she has concerns and he listens and treats her with respect.

She vows never to lie to him about it.

If it's bad... well, she's not going to say that and then try to pick up the pieces of his broken ego, but she's certainly not going to lie and tell him that he's the best lover she's ever had. If it's good, she will sigh happily and snuggle into her embrace.

Sometimes it's about her needs, sometimes it's about his; usually it's about them both.

But nothing about them would fit into one of the trashier holonovels that circulate the Ship.

Her shoes and socks don't magically fall away because it's unromantic to remove them. Her bra and panties don't always match and they're not always lace and silk. She doesn't start getting wet at the mere thought of him - though if she's given a few minutes alone, she can work some pretty good visuals - and sometimes it takes more effort than others for her to be ready.

Sometimes it hurts; sometimes the angle is all wrong.

She doesn’t bend like a porn star and, thankfully, he doesn't expect that they can perform any kind of sexual marathons. Sometimes her orgasm makes her scream; sometimes it’s nothing more than a release of pressure that makes her sigh. He knows that once she comes, he has to back off because it actually hurts to be touched for a few moments afterwards. When they are both finished, she has to go to the bathroom and clean herself up.

It might be the 24th century, but bladder infections are still something to be avoided at all costs.

Likewise, his boots and socks don't magically disappear either. His boxer shorts - going 'commando' chafes, apparently - aren't always a fantasy. He doesn't always get hard just because she wears rose perfume. He can't last for hours and hours on end - which she couldn't take, anyway - and sometimes, it's once and the shows over.

He doesn't bend like a porn star either and when someone anonymously gives him a Kama Sutra book for his birthday, they spend hours laughing at some of the positions and how they would never do it without a medical team standing by. Afterwards, he always wants to roll over and sleep, but he uses the bathroom after her and cleans himself.

Her expectations are real; they wont always come at the same time - she wont always come at all - and their sexual appetites are never going to be completely in sync. He's going to be too tired when she's all fired up and she's going to have a headache when he's ready to go.

But she reminds herself that she is in possession of a state of the art vibrator - And she had once thought that Phoebe would be good for nothing! - and he has two fully functioning hands. They both have damn good imaginations.

Maybe, eventually, neither of them will want to have sex together anyway.

She doesn't care though.

Right now, at this point in their lives, it might not be perfect - hell, it might not always be good - but it's enough for her and he has never complained.

They don't make love three times a day, or even three times a week.

There are times when they are both too tired/exhausted/emotionally drained to do more than kiss each other goodnight and slip into the embrace of sleep. They don't curl their bodies around each other every night; sometimes she just wants to sleep and not think about movement that could wake her partner.

Sometimes he snores; sometimes she talks in her sleep.

They have both been on the receiving end of a good kick right out of the bed and neither have complained. She simply picks up her pillow of the floor and crawls back into bed, vowing to tease him about it the next morning but she never does.

During that week of the month, he knows better than to even look at her with anything resembling desire. In the week before, he knows that she is horny as hell but generally too uncomfortable and bloated to do anything about it.

But her realistic expectations don’t stop at their sex life.

Not every meal that he makes is delicious. She doesn't always want to eat anyway. When she cooks, they very rarely bother eating it... but Neelix feels better when he sees them for dinner at least twice a week.

Some nights they don't even see each other at meal time, so neither of their cooking skills really matter.

They don't say 'I love you' every day. They don't need to.

She doesn't rush into his arms when he returns from an away mission but she is always - always - in sickbay when he wakes from being ill.

They don't share all of the same interests and they've had some amusing arguments about which music should be playing.

Sometimes she's so angry with him that she doesn't even want to look at him, so he goes back to his Quarters for the night and then buys her breakfast in the morning.

Sometimes he is so angry with her that he doesn't even bother showing up at her Quarters post-shift and she seeks him out the next morning, apologises and makes him buy her breakfast.

The crew knows about them but they don't flaunt it.

She'll hold his arm in public but there is little chance that the crew would ever see anything even remotely 'juicy' between them.

They both want children but neither of them are stupid enough to even risk it while they’re still trying to get home. They have ‘that talk’ and decide that when the reach Earth, they can open the subject again.

Until then, they both regularly attend their appointments to update their boosters – and the Doctor is impressed that he doesn’t have to force her, so it works on all levels, really.

She is not his wife.

She is his Captain, Friend and Lover - in that order.

He is not her husband.

He is her First Officer, Friend and Partner - in that order.

It's not perfect.

None of it is.

But she's happy and that's enough.


